Saturday 29 December 2007

The best religion of all.

The word religion is a western term. Dharam simply means duty.

In Sukhmani Sahib, Sri Guru Arjan Sahib Ji says:

Of all religions the best one is
to utter sincerely the name of God.

I.e the foremost of all religions is the religion of remembering the lord and having pure thought and action.

Religion is: to realize that we are nothing but His Naam.
Religion is: to realize that we are nothing but He.

But, to most of us, religion has become more of social symbol, an egotistical issue, wherewith we have a name to identify ourselves.

It is right to hang a picture on the wall, call it our religion and leave it at that?

In Guru Granth Sahib ji it says (page 12)

You have got the precious human birth.
This is your only chance of meeting the Almighty Lord.
Doing anything else will be of no avail.
Join the congregation of saints and
sing only the glory of the Name.

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